I got to test run Casa's Middleforest module and it's coming along nicely. The lighting is beautiful, and the city has a nice variety of pretty and grungy. I can enjoy it more now that I'm getting a little more used to getting the camera to do what I want, and I was actually able to get around Rungholdt without getting stuck this time. However, I did get a pretty bad problem after playing for a while.
My wireless card got uninstalled!
What? Well, it turns out the system board got so overheated playing the game that the soldering holding the wireless card onto it melted, and it detached from the board. Wow! So is that NWN2's fault for having obscenely poor performance on minimum settings? Or is it HP's fault for making their computers out of stuff flimsier than cardboard? This is the second time this has happened to me, but now the extended warranty I bought has lapsed and I can't send it in to be repaired.
The real kicker: I managed to fix the issue by playing NWN2 some more. It melted the solder back and so now I am using a wireless-capable computer once again.
Wow. And then Wow, again.
That sucks and/or is awesome.
Oh my... How will I ever manage to convert you at least to a player?
*feeling guilty*
Well, as soon as have the money I will invest in a new computer, so we'll see what happens then. :)
Hah! Like Gonzo, I'm not sure whether that sucks or is awesome, but it either does or is, or both.
Have you considered building your own PCs? With just a little know-how it's rather simple, and you can save a lot of money.
Indeed, when NWN2 came out and I was really low on cash, I built a very cheap AMD system that did the job just fine. Furthermore, I do not trust ready-made PCs anymore, usually they come with main disadvantages, especially the ones made by big companies like HP or Dell.
Yeah, I plan to build my next computer, but with only $30 to my name right now, even that will have to wait a while. :(
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