Saturday, November 21, 2009


Y’know how, when you first get a new tube of toothpaste, it’s easy to get the stuff out with even the tiniest of squeezes? Well, that’s what my scripting has been like of late. I’ve finally reached a massive milestone in my coding that has allowed me to shift gears from trying to get a working system to playing with the cool toys I made. I’ve also gotten to the point where things work on NWN1 well enough that I can start porting them to NWN2 so Casa can feel like he’s making progress, too.

Y’know how, when a tube of toothpaste is old and almost empty, it’s an incredible pain in the ass to squeeze anything out? Well, that’s what NaNoWriMo has been like. I’m frozen at the 2000 word mark – way earlier than I figured I would be – and just can’t seem to grind out anything substantial after that. My creativity comes in spurts, and it seems that spurt has passed.

Y’know how, when you brush your teeth, you feel so amazingly refreshed and renewed? Well, hopefully I’m going to be experiencing that freshness soon. My wife and I will be heading to Florida for vacation next week and I’ll be getting to take a break from the rat race for a few days. I’ll be leaving my computer at home, most likely, and I imagine I’ll return with renewed vigor. Viva la vacation!

Anyway, in the mean time, I’m going to to brush my teeth.


Michael A. Sinclair said...

Just a note: I made this post with Windows Live Writer. Seems to have worked pretty well, and it's easier to use than Blogger's native posting. I think I'll start using it from now on.

Casa said...

Oh, the toothpaste allegory nails it. However, it's like with my real toothpaste, I constantly forget buying a new tube and I'm squeezing all the time. I spend more time updating my blog than my module. However, lack of sleep seems to help, after an all-nighter basically staring at the screen, I suddenly seem to have found an older tube I forgot about... just like last week with real toothpaste.

Michael A. Sinclair said...

My toothpaste is a nifty vanilla flavor, so it's like brushing my teeth with ice cream.

Started work on converting the Core to NWN2. It'll be fun, because Obsidian decided to call a bunch of their functions the same thing as I decided to call mine. Lots of little things to fix.