Friday, July 11, 2008

Some progress

My computer's fixed now, so I'm getting back in the swing of things. It's coming rather slowly since I keep letting the basics of scripting trip me up, but I'm getting a decent spawn system worked out. I got things to spawn OnAreaEnter, but I still haven't begun work on trigger spawns yet. Still, I've got enough that won't need to be changed that I can begin working it into my building. One of my goals has been to have my NPCs spawn in and remain only when there are PCs in the area, which will keep them from using up cycles unnecessarily. I wanted to get that taken care of before I got too many NPCs for me to go back and change each one individually.

In other news, I've picked my building back up. I've connected two area to Manheim Court, but they don't have anything in them worth showing yet. Here's some screenshots, though, that show how my first area is beginning to fill out:

1 comment:

Casa said...

The elven merchant looks like an old char of mine... *sniff*