Friday, May 30, 2008


I'm rather upset right now as to my total lack of progress since my last entry. I went to Pennsylvania for two weeks to plan my wedding, but I brought along my computer so I could keep busy with building and scripting. Well, the motherboard failed, and when I called HP's tech support, the technician informed me that there is a recall on them. Wonderful. He said he'd send the boxes to my address in PA so that my computer could be fixed and shipped back to my home in Texas. It didn't quite work out that way. Instead, HP twice shipped the boxes to my Texas residence and I've never gotten anything here. I go home tomorrow, so I suppose I'll get to box up my computer then. Until then, though, I'm stuck on a Windows 98 computer with dialup and without NWN, which means I can't really be productive at all.


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